Hey guys, I'm going to continue with a series of videos explaining military terms and concepts that civilians can use in a crisis situation. Hibernians son had described a tactic in which you would guard using your neighbors and as a community to guard a series of houses on a block or neighborhood, which is completely correct. You don't want to guard a building from the inside, you definitely have to be outside. So the concept that I'm going to explain is where you've got guard posts set up around your neighborhood to limit movement and to protect so that you have the ability to flex and help people out. Ideally, these guard posts would be set up with multiple guys. You have to have at least two, you can't have a guy by himself, and it's going to be in an overwatch position where they're able to watch what we call a high-speed Avenue of approach, which is like a road or something like that where vehicles and people can move in. You try to limit their movement as much as you could with obstacles, and then you set up your cover and concealed positions with your guards. You want to have them separated enough so that they can act independently from each other and not draw fire on both of them at the same time or get surrounded. Also, you want to make it easier for people to move around them. Now, the situation I'm going to talk about is at night. If somebody comes up to their post, they're able to limit somebody's movement but also limit the instance of somebody getting hurt by accident in a friend or foe situation. So what we do is we come up with something called a challenge password. Our soldiers learn...
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Dd 2977 sep 2025 download Form: What You Should Know
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